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コロナの侵入ルートと扁桃腺(Major transit point for corona virus) - 医療



There are three coronavirus entry routes: eyes, nose, and mouth. As you can see in the illustration, both routes go through the tonsils.

And perhaps here the coronavirus stays once. After a while (depending on the person, there are considerable differences during that period), they descend into the trachea. I think that when it gets down to the trachea, it will multiply explosively and become pneumonia.



The back of the throat is where the tonsils or adenoids are called. It is rich in lymphatic tissue and traps viruses and bacteria here. In that case, it usually starts to feel uncomfortable and gradually becomes more difficult, but in the case of coronavirus, it seems that the symptoms are often unclear. But there is! !!

Are you trying to keep it silent? There is a means called honey drop!


Closeup view of open mouth with tonsils

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