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October is the turning point - 医療

The Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 has been extended for one year, but unless the corona pandemic is completely over, it will not be extended again.

Teams and spectators from all over the world come to the Olympics. Many people move. Even if the outbreak of patients is suppressed in Japan, it is impossible to hold an event if the outbreak is not suppressed in any part of the world. There is concern over the spread of infection in areas where medical infrastructure such as South America and Africa is not in place. Also, even if a vaccine is developed, it will not be possible to supply it to the world in the next year.

The decision on whether to hold the Olympics next year will be made around October. And when it was called “abandoned”, the Abe Cabinet, which wanted to make the Olympics a legacy, will retire.

If the Tokyo Olympics next year are canceled, it is unlikely that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be held half a year later. If that happens, the significance of Olympics things may be diminished.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)



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