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“Recover from pandemic!” Beach defense project - 医療

 Even a doctor who was probably more cautious than an ordinary person would attack Corona mercilessly. Then, what is the meaning of preventive measures such as face masks, eye guards, gowns, and hand washing?
A large amount of disposable items, the time and effort involved in putting on and taking them off, and the anxiety and stress that this could really prevent. You fear that even if you sterilize it, it may be attached to aerosols, doorknobs, and tables floating in the air. You may wrap yourself up in susupicion , “I wonder if this person also has a corona”

There is a story of a 49-year-old Japanese doctor in New York. He felt fatigue and slight headache on 17th. He was said to be corona-positive on the throat test on the 22nd March. But he had no symptoms in his throat. Corona should have been infected by 17th. No, it must have been infected at least a few days ago or more. I wonder if what kind of tests were performed at that time could have been judged to be corona-positive.
It was probably because corona grew in your body. Then, before that, that is, if you can get rid of it when the absolute number of coronas before the onset of symptom is small, you can prevent the progression.

here! Use honey here! !!

I and some patients who come to my clinic know that honey has a dramatic effect on the early tonsilar symptoms of a cold.

It is speculated that the cold virus probably died due to the bactericidal action of honey (probably due to osmotic pressure).In anticipation of the bactericidal action of this honey, the tonsils are sterilized on a daily basis. If possible, I want you to do it three times a day. If you have to come in contact with many people, you should do it a few times. The virus always passes through the tonsils. Take aim at it. Although some viruses may reach the lungs quickly without being caught in the tonsils, many colds are marked by tonsilar symptoms. So even corona is likely to stay in the tonsils for the majority of the infection, and then the virus that has propagated will fall into the lungs.

 A robust castle have a moat or castle wall. However, these defenses can be overcome if devised. On the other hand, if you deliberately provide a part where it is easy to invade, the enemy will come in aiming there. In fact, that’s what you think, and you can aim at enemies that enter a narrow passage. In other words, you can aim at the enemy once inside the castle. 

In the case of me, I have nasal gargling every day ,too.

Please do not spread it on SNS.

If it spreads strangely, it can be called fake news, and honey is a natural product, so even if it disappears from the shelves, it is not possible to increase production immediately. If that happens, even people who really feel this effect will eat up. I hope that people who understand the theory of honey effects will gradually spread it. Actually, no matter how much honey is used, many people make their own arrangements, saying, “I’m drinking with honey lemon,” “I use honey candy,” and “I’m spreading honey on bread.” This has no effect.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)



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