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専門家はこの結果をどう考えるのか? what do expert think about this fact? - ブログ


この事実を専門家はどうとらえているのでしょうか?いまだに空気感染はないと言い続けるつもりでしょうか?ヴィネは市中にコロナ陽性の人は一定数いることは事実で、だからと言ってsocial distancingやstay homeをさらに強化することが対策になるとはは思えません。そんなことしたらもう社会が崩壊します。今でも「公園に親子がいた」とチクる人や「スーパーに家族で来るんじゃない」と怒る人が出てきています。住民が人を監視する、まるで戦時中の世の中です。

In the preoperative and prehospital PCR tests conducted by Keio University Hospital from April 13th to 19th, 5.97% of asymptomatic patients intended for treatment other than novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) (4 out of 67) announced positive cases. He added, “I think this number may reflect the infection situation in the region, and we need to take further measures to prevent infection.”

What do experts think of this fact? Will they continue to say that there is still no airborne infection? I believe the fact that there are a certain number of people who are positive for corona in the city, but I do not think that further strengthening social distancing and stay home is a countermeasure. If that happens, society will collapse. Even now, some people tell about there were parents and children in the park, and some were angry that they would not come to the supermarket with their families. Residents monitor people, it’s like a wartime world.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)


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