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Exploring the causes of tonsillitis from an evolutionary perspective - 医療

I have repeatedly said, “Use mouth tape to protect the tonsils.” “The early symptoms of tonsillitis are discomfort, dryness, and mucous membrane clinging, at which time treatment should already be started.” “Treatment of tonsillitis is not a medicine or a throat candy, it’s hanging honey (we’ll call this honey gargling in the future). ”

I thought of here.

“Why people open their mouths while sleeping”

I have never seen an animal open its mouth when sleeping. Does that mean only humans?

When you consider the sleeping posture of humans, do you not notice that there is a big difference from other animals? That’s right, right? Is there another animal that sleeps on a bowel basis? It seems that monkeys close to humans are sleeping while sitting.
Humans have evolved by sleeping on their back, says Tetsuro Matsuzawa of the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute. Please google for details.

I further thought, “Isn’t sleeping on your back easier to open your mouth, and you might have tonsillitis?” In other words, by sleeping on the back, humans could open the way for evolution, but on the other hand, they could not protect the tonsils.

When did humans start to sleep on their backs? Is it 200,000 years before the birth of modern humans? No, I think you couldn’t take a good rest when you lived in the cave, and you couldn’t sleep on your back. When you build your own house and start using bedding, it may be in time with the beginning of your agricultural life. Isn’t it time for you to live in a large group and to protect yourself from foreign enemies and to spend the night with peace of mind?

Although the term “new lifestyle” was presented in the corona outbreak, it seems that many people have noticed that it is not something that can be practiced because it only denies the original human lifestyle. This is just proof that the inside of the expert’s mind is completely broken. .. Keeping the tonsillar mucous membrane in good condition by closing the mouth while sleeping is the basis of measures against corona, and it seems to be adopted in a new lifestyle.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)



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