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Same as Japan at the time of World War Ⅱ - 医療

The “new way of life” advocated by experts and the government is very similar to the Japanese society facing World War II. In 1940, the imperial RUle Assistance Assosiation called the “new living system”, such as “seasoning calendar” for each season of using vegetables in the kitchen garden, and decorating the Fusuma door by reusing old kimono. The actual actor was a woman, and it was said that it was a non-political content. However, it played a political role in guiding people from the foundation of their lives to social control.

How is it now? After the epidemic of corona virus, the popularity of home gardens has increased, and Tokyo will deliver cut-off frill videos. The scene of this corona epidemic can be seen as a repeat of the “new life system” of the time. And I am worried about the future of the society where the citizens themselves have become accustomed to participating in and following the control of the area of ​​life.

In fact, I was surprised that there was “self-restraint” before the “new life system”. Permanents and cafes were extravagant, and people looked coldly at the lines in the movie theater.

Now, in Japan, all media are working together on “self-restraint” and “new lifestyle”, and praise the unpleasant unity of trying to survive the Coronal War. The “correctness” that clings to them is very unpleasant. However, even though I write on the blog that I oppose the movement of the public, like this, it’s hard to say in public. The atmosphere of such a society is also unpleasant because of a glaring sense of justice.

Due to the low mortality rate of corona in Japan, there is a tendency among Japanese people to lead to psychological and cultural theories such as “Our behavioral patterns are different!” “Japanese culture is excellent”. Mortality rates are lower in Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand… Politicians aren’t doing much, but they’re trying to take their credit.

And here’s what I want to say.

One day, when this turmoil was forgotten and everyone turned to this era, the folly of “self-restraint” and “new lifestyles” became apparent. When asked “How did you act then”, you would justify “it wasn’t the air I could oppose at the time.” It is the same as the past Japanese who did not oppose the war.

Everyone thinks they are on the right side. However, it is not an act of self-thinking, but simply accepting what the powerful people are saying without any criticism and staying in a temporary peaceful place. It is the same as the teachers who used to say “devils, the United States and Britain,” and “Long live emperor!” during the war, screaming “democracy” in the sme breath.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)



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