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My honey theory was recognized by Harvard University - 医療

It was September 1999, the day before Spartathlon race in Greece, that I realized that honey was effective in treating throat colds (tonsillitis). Thanks to the dramatic effect I discovered by chance, I finished third in Spartathlon that year.

And 21 years behind the great discovery of that century. At Harvard Medical School, a sanctuary of American geniuses, it was concluded that honey is an effective treatment for sore throat.

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia.

“If you have a sore throat or cough that is a symptom of an upper respiratory tract infection (such as a cold), honey may alleviate that symptom, it was announced at Harvard University Medical School in November 2020. Has antibacterial properties, and scientists have concluded that in adults (not children under the age of 1), it is a harmless way to deal with the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (such as the common cold). ”

As you can see, the benefits of honey that I have been saying for more than twenty years have been scientifically proven at Harvard University, where the wisdom of the world is concentrated. Some people reading my blog and laughing at me! Have you finally noticed my unfathomable ability!
Although their report is long overdue, I am a broad-minded person, so let’s forgive it. Considering the timing of the corona epidemic, they probably came to honey while thinking about measures against corona.

 I have posted in English the part of the homepage that I want to convey particularly widely.  At this point I suddenly thought about it here, it was no wonder that a person at Harvard University read my blog and started thinking about research. Didn’t you do it? Well, that’s fine, but didn’t they bite my idea?? Of course, honey is also introduced in the English blog. I know that people sometimes access blogs from the continental United States, but I thought they were Japanese residents anyway, but maybe …


いいね (まだ評価がありません)



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