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No doctor has taken seriously the treatment of colds - ブログ

 No doctor is serious about treating a cold. He prescribe about 3 types of antitussives and expectorants, antibiotics, gargling, antipyretic, and common cold medicine, and he prescribes this much, he think one of them will work.  If it heals in about a week, the patient will think that he has been cured by the medicine in the hospital, so there is a such good story for the doctor. Actually, it may have healed naturally. Most of the colds heal naturally, so few doctors are seriously thinking about how to treat them.

  And when the patients have pneumonia, doctors concentrate on treating pneumonia, and by that time both doctors and patients have already lost their minds about treating colds. No one looks back and say  “It was bad that I couldn’t get rid of my cold.

 This is the same as the current corona countermeasures do not work. All doctors are thinking about treatment at the same level as influenza, so advanced measures such as test kits, vaccines, and therapeutic drugs are the main focus, and we are not thinking about the basic measures. I used to say, “It’s a Chinese(kampo) medicine for colds. It makes sense. ” But after I realized the effect of honey, I thought that Kampo couldn’t even come close to honey. And I came to think that the applying mouth tape method was higher than that. Because the chances of using honey to treat colds have decreased dramatically. When the COVIT-19 was more widespread, I reasoned about nasal irrigation. It was brought to my mind because I have been paving a road  to getting rid of my cold myself.

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